May 31, 2017

the Importance of the Trench Development of the Road

Good morning ladies and gentleman. At this time, I will covey you about the importance of the trench development of the road. Why is this so important to convey? Because a lot of us see the problems that occur due to absence of a ditch on the roadside. Either through the medium of television, radio or newspaper. Flooding is an annual problem that always happens in Indonesia, especially in big cities like Jakarta with a lot of population and buildings. Even the roadside often make a place to sell without regard to safety and the rules of the ban on selling on the roadside.

The ditch is a long open pit on the ground where the water flows. Trenches are formed naturally on the surface of the earth, or deliberately made by humans. The function of a ditch are to drain water, both household waste, rainwater and etc, from somewhere and end up in the river. Can we imagine what if there is no ditch on the roadside? Roads that do not have ditches will be inundated when it rains, buildings around the road will also be inundated. Even worse if there are heavy rain and long, there will be a very harmful flood. If the road is inundated very long, then there will be damage to the road with the emergence of holes on the road surface. The surrounding buildings will also suffer structural damage, especially for buildings with wood material. Is that the only problem that will arise due to the absence of a ditch? Of course not. Too many disadvantages to mention. Do you still think the ditch is not important?

Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) released disaster records in Indonesia throughout 2016. As many as 92 percent of the disaster that hit Indonesia is a disaster hydrometeorology category. Hydrometeorology disaster means a natural disaster triggered by heavy rainfall, heavy and wet during the rainy season. Records of hydrometeorology disasters such as floods and landslides in Indonesia soar throughout 2016. Even the BNPB concludes that the 2016 disaster record is much larger than in 2015. Now in 2017, an increase in the 2016 disaster record yesterday should be an early warning that Indonesia is still under siege by possible natural disasters, especially those triggered by hydrometeorology factors such as floods.

Is the flood just because there is no trench? Of course not. Trenches are full of garbage and sediment dirt also trigger the occurrence of flooding. This is due to the reduced capacity of the ditch to accommodate and drain the flow of water. So who is responsible for the flood disaster in Indonesia? Is it a government that does not build a ditch by the side of the road? Or the people? Building a ditch on the side of the road is the responsibility of the government as a provider and the implementation of the construction of public facilities. While the people is also involved in making trenches around the house and keep clean. Do not throw garbage in the trenches, do not build buildings above the trenches, and do not close the drain.

Well I think that's all I can to say. I apologize if I'm talking wrong. I hope we can together provide facilities for the disposal of water and keep it clean. Good morning and thank you.

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